First Saturday of Spring (solsc2015) 21/31


It’s a beautiful day here in Chico. Sunny, warm, with flowers blooming everywhere. I’m looking at my yard and making a list of spots that need to be filled in, empty pots (three huge fake half wine barrels) to fill, and cleaning that is screaming to be done. Two days ago I wore capris to work instead of long pants, and I haven’t looked back. This morning I decided it’s time to make the switch between spring and winter clothes (not a big job. My clothing collection is sparse at best!). I tried on the pants that were too tight last year and was glad that they fit looser this year and disappointed that they aren’t just falling off me.

A new season, especially Spring, makes me want to collect myself, to make everything fresh and sparkly. It’s a new beginning, you know?  I want to go through and distribute that pile of papers on my desk, clean the garage and clean my car. (Wait. My car?? Hmm. I  don’t want to overdo it.)

I think apart from the freshening of home and garden, it’s time for freshening of spirit and body. A time to reaffirm goals and look at pathways to complete said intentions. Working out twice a week is a given, but what about the daily walks? Those seem to be a little more flexible than is optimal. What about my daily meditation time? Writing time? If I set a specific time for doing these things will I be more likely to actually accomplish them? Every day? In the past few weeks I’ve been haphazard about walking and meditating. Once the birds left the refuge I quit walking, there or anywhere. I”m writing daily blog posts in the month of March, but in what form will the daily writing continue? I read the blog of a fellow slice writer who challenges herself to a different kind or genre of writing each month. I love that idea.

I’ve made myself a weekly tracking sheet to make visible my accomplishment of these things I care about. On one side it has a food tracker and on the other a list of the things I feel are important to my well being, some of which are easy to lose track of. These include sleep time and quality, walking, ingestion of (or not) sugar and grains, water , meditation and writing. There is room for notes about each topic on one side and a space for a reflection below. None of it is new, but all of it is easy to lose track of.  I hope  it’ll help me jumpstart a fresh beginning. That’ll be the genius part. A supported fresh start.

Oh, and my flower barrels filled with flowers would be great too.


20 thoughts on “First Saturday of Spring (solsc2015) 21/31

  1. franmccrackin says:

    Your words echo thoughts so many of us have. I love the humor evident.
    You should count those looser pants a big success, since most hibernate and gain during the winter 🙂
    Nice rendering of all the ways you plan to refresh, reinvigorate, rededicate yourself to what is important and positive to you. I am taking advice from this post, starting with a little house-cleaning. But don’t worry, I won’t get too carried away!

  2. Joanne Toft says:

    I like your list. I have been putting some of those things right into my calendar so I see them each day. I am working to make sure they happen and other activities don’t get in the way. I really like the idea of a fresh start with spring and the photo is great. Here in Minnesota we are not that far into spring – no snow but no flowers yet.

  3. Jaana says:

    Setting new goals as we see so much new growth spring up is a great idea! I need to think more about that. Writing a different genre each month–that would be a challenge. I’ve been trying to make sure to get enough sleep. Isn’t that a good goal to have?

  4. Lori says:

    The line about cleaning the car, or not, made me smile. As someone who forgets to spend time on myself I applaud your tracking sheet.

  5. Tara Smith says:

    I’m having a bit of Spring envy on account of the snow that we just had! But your Spring thoughts have cheered me up – it does feel like a new beginning! Thanks for reading!

  6. Darla & Jen says:

    We agree Spring brings a fresh start for so many things, clean-up, self improvement, and fresh eyes.
    Darla & Jen

  7. lynnjake says:

    Absolutely! Sleep is so important – I think it is greatly underrated. That sounds like a good challenge for a month or two! Maybe I’ll focus on that instead of writing…Hm.! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  8. lynnjake says:

    That’s a good idea to fit those things into your calendar. The only thing that is in mine is my twice weekly workouts, and they never get missed! I guess I should add the rest of it it…I hadn’t thought of that. I hope your crocuses start blooming soon. They are such a sign of hope to me! Thanks for reading.

  9. lynnjake says:

    I definitely count the pants as a success! I just kind of thought they’d be even looser. What an ingrate I am! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Stay on guard against doing too much cleaning! It will always be there for you to do in case you quit before you’re done~definitely job security there! Thanks.

  10. bbutler627 says:

    Yeah first spring flowers! Gorgeous! I just love how spring mixes it all up! What a lovely post. I can see that I have a lot of catching up to do with your slices!

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